Saturday, November 7, 2009

Such a big victory, such small ideas

Paul Krugman writes today "...the truth is that Mr. Obama put his agenda at risk by doing too little. The fateful decision, early this year, to go for economic half-measures may haunt Democrats for years to come."  Krugman's op-ed is deeply troubling, and well worth reading.


  1. We need to distinguish between promises and agenda. Most of Obama's campaign promises were discarded by the time he had gotten the party nomination. After a year we have just gotten an inkling of his true agenda. More of the same old neo-con, corporatist, militarist, right-wing agenda. I'm afraid the voters have been suckered by their hopes for a faux-democratic process to reverse the terminally corrupt system.

  2. Most of Obama's campaign promises were discarded by the time he had gotten the party nomination.

    Indeed. For example, Obama's vote on FISA of July 9th 2008 was a taste of things to come.


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