Sunday, January 31, 2010

Justice for New York City

Senator Dianne Feinstein argues in a letter to President Obama that the trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed should be moved out of New York City "to a less prominent, less costly, and equally secure location.”   Feinstein writes:
First, the concerns of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other local government officials should be taken seriously. The mayor’s concerns, raised earlier this week in a departure from his initial views, focused on the costs associated with the trial....
Certainly, New Yorkers should not have to bear the anticipated costs of such a trial.   Having endured so much, New Yorkers should neither have to pay dearly for justice, nor be denied it.  A country that will spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting terrorism with guns can surely afford to pay the relatively small cost of fighting terrorism with Justice.

Continued here. . . .

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