But we can’t naively carry on. To enjoy life like this, made up of the things we savour from vibrant cities like Bombay, we need to be protected. 94.6% of sixty thousand respondants at NDTV.com say it is time for India to enact stringent laws to curb terror. That’s quite a mandate, but I believe they are wrong. They suggest following the example laid down by the United States after the 11th of September, 2001. This includes a Department for Homeland Security and a Transportation Security Administration. Security is a wonderful word. At times like these, reading it in bold typeface across buildings and on cloth seals pinned to the shoulders of frowning men, it make us feel safe.-
Udayan Tripathi, Sticks and Stones blog
Boston Globe has a collection of powerful and moving photographs relating to the Mumbai attacks, including a remarkable photo of one young terrorist gunman in a train station.
Picture shows organizational chart for the US Department of Homeland Security, one legacy of the 9/11 attacks.
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