Friday, November 9, 2007

Hidden Crisis Update

Blogger Kyi May Kaung attended the special Senate Foreign Relations Sub-committee Hearing on Burma back on 2 October. This blogger's account of the hearing is now online. One line in particular sticks out from her account:
Aung Din, Co-founder of the USCB and a 1988 veteran, updated on how on 25 September 25 alone, a hundred dead bodies were counted at the Rangoon General Hospital.
It would appear that Aung Din first mentioned the "100 bodies" in this letter. I am filing this report under the Hidden Crisis topic. On this website I have sought to track every known report of any massacre happening around the time of the crackdown and after.


  1. Hi Jotman,

    Thanks for link.

    I am a "she" but no problem being mistaken for a "he."

    Considering the Burmese culture.



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